Thursday, February 28, 2008

That ain't right!

I'm so sad right now. Chris March was auf'd on the Project Runway Finale part 1. Rami should have been the one who went! Rami does a great job but Chris' collection was more impressive if you ask me. I loved his clothes! People made a big deal that he incorporated human hair into the designs. Why is that a problem? People wear extensions (and fur, which isn't kosher) all the time, why not wear them on your clothes? I thought it worked well and looked fab. Rami's clothes were nice but I just didn't find them that special. I think I saw at least 3 of those black gowns at the Oscars. And the one dress that Nina and Micheal thought was I thought it was interesting but not particularly attractive at all. Didn't find a pic but it's the second Rami pic below but thankfully hidden under a coat.

Chris's clothes on top

Rami's clothes underneath

This is the best pic I could find, but it's obvious Chris' clothes make more of a statement, they pop! You were denied Chris, denied! I'm insulted and heartbroken for you.

So, next week Rami, Jillian and Goku, I mean Christian show their collections. Kick butt Jillian!

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